September 25, 2015

DOJ’s Loretta Lynch Inherits the Lie About the SPD

It’s astonishing how this federal administration’s anti-cop agenda has worked. Create a false narrative. Besmirch the reputations of thousands of good cops nationwide. Impugn great police departments with fraudulent statistics about racism and use-of-force following flimsy, predetermined “investigations.” Impose an unnecessary and costly consent decree. And then, a few years later, return to those departments and “praise” the “reforms” that have occurred.

Loretta Lynch’s recent praise for the “progress” the Seattle Police Department has made with DOJ-recommended “reforms” is infuriating. Consider that those who were a part of the process for instituting the reforms admitted years ago that they believed the DOJ investigation was flawed and the results, which the DOJ refused to reveal, were bogus.
This should not be a surprise. Consider what former U.S. Attorney, Andrew C. McCarthy, who successfully prosecuted the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, said to’s Sean Piccoll about the DOJ’s investigation of American police departments, “They’ve [DOJ] had their thumbs on the scales from the beginning.”

Piccoll wrote further, “McCarthy cited a string of federal civil-rights investigations into some 20 police departments, including Ferguson, Missouri’s, which he said the Justice Department has approached with a presumption of racial guilt.”

McCarthy’s description is precisely what the DOJ did to the Seattle Police Department back when I was still there. This slimy method is ongoing and the DOJ is currently using it against law enforcement agencies across America.

By the way: If anyone knows of a department where the DOJ did not find their cops guilty of racism and constitutional use-of-force violations, I love to hear about it.

Early on, when the consent decree came into full force, Mayor McGinn and Seattle Police Department leaders, despite being armed with validation from Seattle U. criminal justice professor Matthew J. Hickman, and having conceded that the DOJ results were bunk, essentially told their cops (I heard it during a roll call from SPD’s consent decree compliance coordinator), that officers need to cooperate quietly in order to, “…prove that the DOJ was wrong about the SPD.”

In response to a question during an interview about the DOJ’s bogus findings, Merrick Bobb, the federal consent decree monitor, made this Orwellian statement: “Whatever the correct figure might be [percentage of police physical abuse against suspects], it is not relevant to our task today. This is not the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s. The feud is over, and past disagreements must not impede current progress. What I know for sure is that the settlement agreement embodies best practice in policing and that it is to the SPD’s and Seattle’s benefit that it be implemented regardless of what led up to it” [Bold mine] (The Guardian, August, 2013).

The federal monitor essentially told Seattle’s cops that despite that you may have been exonerated for a crime, you still have to serve your prison sentence—and do it with a smile.

The fraud continues, and Seattle’s cops continue to serve their unwarranted sentence to this day.


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