Having just returned from a motorcycle trip, I’m catching up on the news. Once again, a cop shoots a black man (in Milwaukee), and insanity and destruction reign. Did the police shoot some innocent young man just walking down the street minding his own business? You’d think so based on “community activists'” reactions. But, no, of course this is not what happened.
The suspect the cops shot was a known bad guy with a long criminal history. Armed with a stolen handgun, he ran from the police. The gun was stolen in a burglary during which the suspects also took 500 rounds of ammunition. Think about it. The suspect had a gun and reportedly either pointed it or shot at police before an officer shot him. Do these facts matter to anti-cop factions? Not a whit.
The current administration, as well as left-wing political groups across America—including the Democrat Party—have given these anti-cop groups tacit approval to riot and pillage our cities, providing legitimacy by meeting with groups that promote the myth that cops are actively “hunting and shooting black males in the streets.” Today, this insane reaction occurs any time a cop shoots a black man, even if the man is an armed criminal.
This warped perspective is offensive to police officers, and it should offend all Americans.