Leftist news bias–old news, but so true.
Attorney General Jeff Session recently commented on the eight-year proliferation of federal investigations into local policing. The local news reporter didn’t mention Seattle’s consent decree was controversial, and the DOJ refused to release its methodology. They only reported the flawed DOJ findings.
Criminal Justice Professor Matthew J. Hickman
Inexplicably, in 2012, Seattle ignored Seattle U. Professor Hickman’s more comprehensive study, which prompted him, in the Seattle Times, to write, Seattle should, “Call the DOJ’s bluff and demand an apology.”
Law enforcement tactics.
Leftists against law enforcement believe police tactics are wrong just because they don’t like them. Police tactics don’t look good on TV—imagine that!
Police critics also deems officers “wrong” even if what they did was “right” when they were taught.
All officers colored with broad liberal brush.
With their expanding definition, all officers are racist even in incidents when officers violated no policy and broke no laws. In Ferguson, Officer Darren Wilson acted properly, but, the “broad liberal brush” assures Wilson will likely never be a cop again. Where was his Department of Justice?
Jeff Sessions replaces anti-cop zealots.
An Associated Press (AP) article on Foxnews.com reports, Sessions “…has expressed concerns that lengthy investigations of a police department can malign an entire agency.”
“Public trust?” What a joke!
The AP reports, “Both the Baltimore Police Department and Mayor Catherine Pugh said a delay would threaten public trust in the process.” What “public?” BLM, supporters, and other cop-haters? The mayor added, “We believe there are reforms needed.” But, whose “reforms?”
Political whims guide “reforms.”
The left continues to talk about police “reforms,” but these are not dictated by law enforcement necessity but by political whim—by people who know nothing about good law enforcement. “Reform” often comes in the form of leftist political indoctrination disguised as police training.
Holder’s DOJ always finds fault with cops—always.
Former U.S. Attorney Andrew C. McCarthy offered this formulation in a Newsmax.com article titled, “Ex-US Prosecutor: Holder Racially Biased Against Police:” “McCarthy cited a string of federal civil-rights investigations into some 20 police departments, including Ferguson, Missouri’s, which he said the Justice Department has approached with a presumption of racial guilt.”
The left’s double-standard is standard practice.
Procedures exist to modify consent decrees such as Seattle’s. But, Jonathan Smith, an Obama administration attorney says, “… most judges would not be sympathetic to amend an agreement for purely political reasons…” That is literally incredible when you consider the Obama administration inflicted its consent decrees for “purely political reasons.”
Simple Logic.
Jeff Sessions said, “It is not the responsibility of the federal government to manage non-federal law enforcement agencies.”
Is that so hard to understand?