So, the Seattle City Council is so damned upset with Arizona’s new immigration law, its collective moral principles dictate—nay, mandate—it must boycott its fellow state, and voted unanimously, 7-0, to do so.
The council member’s courage is inspiring and its willingness to even forego revenues to the city coffers, attaching real meaning to what could have been a hollow gesture is…, oh wait, there seems to be a problem.
What about American Traffic Solutions, the Scottsdale, Arizona-based company Seattle contracts for its Red Light Camera program? This is the program that catches alleged red-light runners at some twenty-nine Seattle locations, and then mails them revenue producing traffic citations.
Hmmmm, a dilemma indeed: What is a principled, liberal/progressive, city council to do?
Okay, I wasn’t being fair, that was a trick question. Of course they cast their principles aside and granted the one exception. Can you guess which Scottsdale, Arizona-based Red Light Camera company—perhaps one named, American Traffic Solutions—was exempted in the boycott resolution?
But don’t fret, I’m sure it was all in the name of public safety and not city revenues; after all, we’re talking principles here, and I’m sure they take traffic safety just as seriously as they do border safety.