April 30, 2017

Taylor Force Act

I try to stick to law enforcement and libertarian issues, but sometimes it too hard. I see something “shiny” and I must speak up. I heard something this morning that is making my head spin.

Do you know about the Taylor Force Act?

 First, what about the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) official policy of paying money to the families of terrorists who kill Israelis and others? The PA has it in their charter and has allocated it in their budget, to pay families of suicide bombers and other attackers of civilians.

This now includes the family of the murderer of Taylor Force, an American, visiting Israel. Walking down the street, Force was among the many innocent civilians 22-year-old, Palestinian terrorist, Bashar Masalha, stabbed on March 8, 2016 in Tel Aviv. Force died from his wounds. Ten others survived. Police shot and killed Masalha.

Troublesome is that the United States provides to the PA some of the funds distributed to the family of Masalha in foreign aid. That’s right, you and I are paying a bounty to the family of an honored Palestinian murderer who killed a fellow American. The terrorist’s body arrived home in the PA to a hero’s welcome. 

Now for something even more troublesome. According to the report I watched, not one Democrat is supporting a bill to cut off funding to the PA unless the government stops these payments to the families of terrorists. The amount of payments totals in the hundreds of million of dollars per year. Think these bounties encourages violence against Israel and others? 

Does a bill to stop helping the PA conduct this brutal practice sound radical to you? What justification could any Democrat—any sane person—have for not supporting such a measure? This is yet another sign of the lunacy of the left and how radical that party has become. Personal integrity be damned; support the Party at all costs.

It is nothing less than barbaric that a fledgling political entity, endeavoring to gain inclusion among the family of nations, would maintain such a ghoulish practice in today’s modern world–and do it with the largesse of other nations. Such audacity. 

Having grown up in a non-political, but decidedly Democrat household in Massachusetts, where the families I knew had three, non-family, photos on their walls: John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Jesus, I have to ask. What the hell happened to the Democratic Party, and where have all the freedom of speech-loving, violence-hating Democrats gone?




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